Standardized following ISO 20807
Infrared thermography in the veterinary medicine
The infrared thermography is an excellent method to detect centers of inflammation or other pathologic thermographic anomalies reliably. Thomas Zimmermann from the Thermografie Institute Berlin has developed a system for training and certifying persons who want to do this job. Thus, the new IT-sector was established. The qualification has its focus on juristic and anatomic topics as well as on the practical experience with the animal. Furthermore the courses equip the students with knowledge of the physical basics of thermography and with the ability to use and to fine tune an infrared camera.
The hands-on seminar takes place on different stud farms in co-operation with a veterinarian. Beside the theory on the “Anatomy of the horse” the thermal images of several horses are taken. These thermograms are analyzed together with the veterinarian later. Due to this co-operation of thermographer and vet the medical outcome is very fast and the horse can be helped quickly.
SECTOR CERT and the Thermografie Institut Berlin, TIB-Infrared Solutions are accredited by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsrat (DAR) on the topic “Veterinary Infrared Thermography” based on the methods how described in ISO 20807 (DIN 17024, DIN EN 473, ISO 20807).
The first qualification exam was supervised by the auditor of the TGA. He did not only praise the way of conducting the exam, but also appreciated the practical part of the qualification, since a stuffed animal with prepared flaws came in use. This provides us with a reproducible situation during every examination.
Why this extraordinary effort on this small topic? The answer is: The FEI prescribes infrared-checks–performed by qualified personal–at all competitions. “Connecting our experience in certificating people with the large extend of Thomas Zimmermann’s knowledge of infrared thermography, a very good training and preparation for this job is guaranteed,” says Dr. Renate Alijah, head of SECTOR CERT.
The training contains of two modules: In module 1 the basics of thermography and practical work are taught.
In module 2 the knowledge of the basics is deepened. Additional topics are execution and interpretation of thermograms and written report.
Training Outline
- Essential basics of radiation physics, anatomy, animal protection, related laws, measurement technology and measurement applications in the infrared thermography
- Measurement specifications of IT-exams on the veterinary sector
- Special concern of various IT-related specifications of different species and breeds
- Exam preparation und examination
- Fluent integration of the IT-vet training into the technical basics of module 1 and 2 due to DIN, EN and ISO
- Addition of the factor “metabolism” and special veterinary aspects to the technical part of IT-1 and IT-2. This enables the use of the newest technical standards of medical applications.
- Training on different levels of qualification with the possibility to combine, add or omit certain modules except for the technical part of IT-1 and IT-2 (DIN EN 473)
- No special education background or qualification required.
Provider > Thermografie Institut Berlin
Certifier > SectorCert
Part 1: EN473 IT1, 3,5 days 1680 EURO + VAT
Part 2: IT-vet, 5 days 1750 EURO + VAT
Examination & Certificate 750 EURO + VAT
Total price 4180 EURO + VAT
People who own a EN473 IT1, IT2 or IT3 certificate don`t need to repeat the Part 1!
Contact person for requests is Mr. Thomas Zimmermann phone +4970034062709